I have fitted my ECU Chip, What to do next!
After installing the chips to the ECU and fitting the knock sensors to the engine the following will need to be done before the engine will start. The reason for this is that the ECU chip does not know what security code to expect from the alarm module. Either Testbook, Rovacom or Rovacom Lite is required so that the ECU can be switched into security learn mode.
On the engine management screen there is an option available labelled Other, and within the menu there is an option to relearn the security. Once selected a message should appear asking you to turn off the ignition and then switch it back on again so that the ECU can learn the security code. It is best to leave the ignition off for at least 30 seconds to let the ECU shut down properly before switching it back on.
Once this has been done the engine should start when tried. If for some reason it does not it can sometime take up to 4 or 5 tries of learning the security code for it lock on to the code.
Now that the engine is up and running there are a few other menus to go into to check the settings are correct before the job is done.
So that the ECU with the new chips in can start with a fresh canvas the adaptive values should be reset. This is done within the Other menu and can be done with the engine running or just with the ignition on.
Within the settings menu the engine management has the following four options
Select the engine size and transmission type (as shown above) and then write the settings to the ECU.
The last thing to do is to check the ECU for fault codes. After reading the fault codes note down any that were present and then clear/reset the fault codes. The fault codes should be looked into to see if any faulty equipment is fitted to the engine management.