How do I undo the Front Crank Pulley?
In short, with a long pull bar, lots of effort and a good 24mm socket.
Obviously you need to stop the crank from rotating, you can do this in two ways. If you have a manual gearbox then often you can simply pull your hand brake on and put the vehicle in gear. The other way (needed for auto gearboxes) is to remove the half moon plate on the rear of the engine and use a bar to lock the ring gear so that it can not rotate.
Once the crank shaft is locked then you can proceed to undo the crank shaft pulley bolt. This is standard thread (not left hand) so you need to undo this when facing it by turning it anti-clockwise. The bolt size is 24mm (unless you have a very early version) and we suggest using either a 24 inch bar or better still a 3 foot bar.
A sudden crack rather than the slow increase of pressure is often best and sometimes a shock blow from a hammer onto a solid shaft can do it.
On another note, we have had a customer suggest eating a bowl of Weetabix on the same morning of attempting this. We recon this wouldn't be a bad idea either :-) |