Fred's Land Rover (Getting it
together) |

There was nothing left of Freds Bulk-Head. The one you see hear
is from another series 2 and is now being rebuilt with new panels, you will
notice that they have also been trimmed, this is so we can build the Bulkhead
perfectly around the V8 conversion. |
Next thing is to mount the New V8 and transmission into the Rolling Chassis,
After this the Bulkhead is fitted, and all the mounting points are checked and
fitted in place. the V8 Fits These Chassis so easily, so mounting it proved no
serious problems |
The rebuilt V8 Engine and Transmission are mounted into the
Rolling chassis, The engine will receive further enhancements but things are
only being checked and aligned at this stage, (its called a "Dry Build"). It
will all have to come out again soon. |
Here you can see the bulkhead being built up around the
Installed engine and transmission, Once the shape is built, the whole thing
will be removed and shot blasted, ready for painting and
re-fitting. |
Further difficulties will always arise, as now we have to make
all the transmission levers etc. pass through the floor pan and transmission
Tunnel, the good things is the conversion is going to look as though it was
made for it. |
Just in case you wondered what the Old transmission looked
like, |
replacement transmission, even though its not rebuilt, it looks like
new. |
This is the RPI V8 now installed and finished off. Its not
only very good looking but it is very practical too, rebuilt to our highest of
standards with high torque cam and full blueprinted, this engine should last
250.000 miles, but with Fred, Who knows?. Its this superb attention to
detail and the ability to gain the uppermost efficiency from all our engines,
is what sets us apart from the rest.

1. With the front wings removed, it has revealed corroded chassis and body sections and a small garden plot on the top of the inner wing. |

2. The floor panels are removed, the air conditioning in the chassis can easily be observed. It looks like this chassis is finished. |

3. The interior is being stripped as more major corrosion is discovered, Looks like more major repairs are required, no worry, we will soon have it all under control. |

4. The 2.25 engine shows a nice bright red light on the dash when you go round corners, perhaps Fred just forgot to put any oil in? |
Rebuild Continues. |
With the engine
and transmission fitted, plus the rolling chassis all sorted, the interior is
now beginning to take shape, we are using the later dash etc. from our own,
Later series 2. It looks simple, but believe me, there is so much to do at this
stage. |
You can see all the hard work on the Bulk-head has paid off. The transmission tunnel also
looks as though it came from the factory with a V8 and this transmission. The
interior has taken lots of work but is looking good now. |
Whilst all the other work has been going on, all the panels
have been rebuilt or replaced, Here you can see just some of them back from the
paint shop. "Cheers Martin" We have also painted and refixed all trimings
etc. |
front end is also painted, and ready to drop onto the chassis, it was all test
mounted "Dry Built" before this stage, so it all goes together easy as you will
see. its a good color match to the original, with Just a bit more
"sparklle" |
view from behind. New lamps have been fitted, the bodywork inside is all taken
care off, even the spare is looking good. Its all coming together
good.!!!. |
the front looks good too, the V8's all under there somewheer, and the final
touches only are required to finish, Oh well just another 20 hours or so to
go. |
Lots more has been happening, (so I have been told) but I am
away on Holiday so I cant comment too much but it looks like they are doing it
all without me. ;-)) |
Ahh. And here's the signwriter, Its funny but we where at our wits
end to find a true signwriter that could work to this "Oldy World"
standard. |
Skills like this are very rare in this millenium.