How do I fit the Sagem ECU chips?
Below you will find descriptions of how to find your Sagem ECU depending on what vehicle you have, a link to the video we have posted on YouTube showing how to fit them and also a PDF file of the instructions supplied with our chips.
OK so for starters you need to locate your ECU, simple on some vehicles a little bit more trick on others if you are not sure what you are looking for as there can be some many (such as P38's :-)
Note before removing any ECU, ensure the keys are removed from the ignition, then disconnect the negative terminal on the cars battery. When reconnecting the battery ensure that the keys are out of the car as many modern alarm systems will lock there doors as soon as the battery is connected.
The P38 Range Rover 1994 - 1999 Located in the engine bay, behind the right hand headlight there is a large plastic cover over the battery. Behind the battery you will see the main wiring loom disappear into another black plastic container with a lid held down by two phillips screws. The Sagem ECU is located in here, remove the two phillips screws then remove the three multi plug connectors.
The 4.0 litre Morgan +8 Located in the engine bay on the left hand side of the car, technically above the passenger footwell.
The Defender 90 50th Anniversary Located in the engine bay on the drivers side of the car, the ECU is under a plastic white cover which is held in place with one bolt.
The NAS Spec Discovery 4.0 litre Although we have supplied many ECU chips for these we have never needed to ask a customer where his ECU is :-) We believe it would be inside the car under the dashboard however please let us know if we are incorrect.